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Uniquely all the band members are also experienced dancers.  This means they really understand how the music and dance fit together.  

Caroline - Fiddle or Viola

Caroline played with Long Odds and Short Straws many years ago.  She also played with Raggy Annie for about ten years.


More recently she has been the musician for Exeter Rapper.


Caroline says, "When I was very young I saw someone playing the violin in an instrument tent at a festival and told my mum that I was going to play that. The rest is history as they say".

James - Bodhran

James has played with Pigasus and Back to square One.

As well as the Bodhran he can be found playing the tambourine, blocks of wood, corks, in fact anything he can play using a bodhran style.  He also sings.  James says, "I'll give any range a try if I'm allowed".


James, the sparkie,  also loves adding LEDs to his bodhran tips to add that little bit of extra sparkle!

Julie - Guitar

Julie learnt to play at primary school and her dad and sister both play guitar.  Julie later played at church youth events and had a Barn Dance for her 18th birthday (many years ago). She has played for dances with Pigs Might Fly and been a guest player with The Harvesters.


Julie also dances with Aurora and has helped to run 5 Inter Varsity Folk Dance Festivals (IVFDFs).

Ady - Bass

Ady plays Cello with an orchestra, bass with a rock band and has now joined us in Abacus.


The only non-dancing, non-Exeter Universirty associated member of the group he probably lives closer to campus than the rest of us.


He started playing folk music accompanying appalachian dancers at their various dance shows.

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